About Me

I thought it would be good to write a bit about myself. If nothing else, it'll give you a taste of what's to come for the various posts on this site.

Hopefully, I will get better at berevity and clarity with practice.

I am a 35 year old individual who has been using the internet since the mid 90s. "Klay" is one of the names I've grown attached to over this time, probably more than any other. I choose Klaymoe for this expression of self as I've always felt it's good to have a name someone can shorten if they feel like giving you a nickname, and "moe" is a cute ending. It is also conveniently a top-level domain.

I'm very much a creature of the internet. I consider this my home more than real life. At one point I was a professional programmer, but family took priority over my career and I not sold those particular services to anyone since then. These days, I am trying to figure out how to make a living in a way I find acceptable to my own moral code.

My interests are difficult to describe. The static portions of them are very abstract, while the more real portions are ephemeral.

Let me explain. As an example, I enjoy "video games". But what does that mean?

Abstractly, what I actually enjoy is human creations. I enjoy thinking about why the developers choose to do things the way they did, the little touches that they put in, the context in which the game was made, and so on. People are beautiful when they show themselves.

This abstract element applies to a lot of things. People express themselves in nearly infinite ways, and each of those ways carries these elements. And I find that when you keep that in mind, most things are really neat.

But I do enjoy specific "video games" too. Sometimes I can say I am really into roguelikes, or speedrunning, or RPGs, or... whatever. It seems that this is the level at which most people relate to interests and describe them to others. Unfortunately for me, however, these are ephemeral things. I may be really into RPGs for a few months, then not touch another one for a few years.

I don't think the average person thinks about these things in this way. So, yes. I am a bit strange.

Because I overthink about everything in this way, I can't really relate to the average person all that well. It's very awkward and strange to fit this into a normal interaction. That strangeness ends up making me an outsider in every community I am in more often than not, so I don't belong to any specific communities at this time.

Which is fine! Some people are just like that. It's nice being free to experience everything. I've grown content with my observer role over the years, but it is a bit lonely at times.

Right, back to the original topic...

My interests?

Generally speaking, I like to produce or show off things I think others may enjoy. I don't like the term "content creator", but I occasionally resemble one.

Most prominently right now I stream gaming related things I find interesting on Twitch. This can be things from speedrunning to casual games I find interesting. The channel is small and very comfy. I also occasionally make funny videos but not too often.

Sometimes, I like communicating abstract ideas, so I try to do this through creative works. I have written a lot of touhou fanfiction over the years (because I enjoy communicating characters and settings), dabbled in things like art (for a similar reason), and am currently working on a video game (because I found one that does not exist but I would like it to).

And now, I have made a website. Partially to have a place to gather all this stuff into one ball, partially to have a place to host stuff that does not fit elsewhere like blog posts (lately, it has seemed interesting to try), and partially to see what it's like to truly toss thoughts into the endless sea of the internet without worrying too much about who sees it.

If you made it this far, I hope you gained some food for thought. It's been nice to asymmetrically meet you.
